Noise Survey Manchester

Noise survey Manchester we serve every area in Manchester

Noise Survey & Monitoring

As noise consultants we provide noise survey and monitoring services as well as solutions ioa noise consultantto control the spread of noise or vibrations. Some of the areas we cover include;

Planning Applications

This includes noise assessments for building developments, change of use or retrospective planning approval for installed plant or equipment. The standards that can be applied include;Noise survey

  • BS4142
  • PPG24 where no alternative is available,
  • wind farm noise assessment
  • Railway Noise
  • Aircraft Noise
  • Road Traffic Noise
  • Environmental Noise and Vibration

Noise monitoring

We can monitor compliance to noise and vibration restrictions and assist with adherence

noise survey
noise survey

to regulatory and local authority guidelines. This includes;

  • Noise at Work (To HSE standards)
  • Entertainment and Leisure noise from concerts and events
  • Noise and vibration monitoring at factories, construction sites, quarries, mines and oil rigs.

School, College and Educational Assessments to BB93sound insulation test

We provide noise insulation measurements to report on compliance with BB93 and noise criteria for educational facilities

Building Services

We provide duct work layout design to reduce noise from building ventilation services. We assess noise from ventilation and other service noise and design solutions to reduce noise and vibration coming from ventilation plant and machinary.

We provide sound insulation testing to measure airborne and impact noise to demonstrate compliance with part E of the building regulations.

Industrial Noise & Vibration Control

We provide noise survey plus assessment and design solutions to noise and vibration from industrial processes.

Call our qualified consultants now.

  • London: 02035428883
  • Manchester: 01619148764
  • Leeds: 01134573566

noise survey cost